
• Sat 03 11 – Sun 02 12 2018 •
Today is the shortest day of the year but somehow hanging around with you all day makes it seem like the longest Perverse Decolonization


Venue: Richas Digest, Lothringer Strasse 51, 50677 Köln
Free admission

3 11 – 2 12 2018
Do + FR: 15:00 – 19:00
Sa + So: 14:00 – 18:00

The exhibition is closed on 11 11 2018.

All too often, the media express our society’s problems in cultural terms. Migration, for example, is largely defined as the transplantation of an alien culture to a new, possibly hostile context of another culture. Emancipatory struggles, undertaken by various oppressed groups, also express themselves through the affirmation of identities, often constructed around religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender and race. Economic difference is blinded out, and politics becomes “identity politics.” As the call for equality is replaced by the call for “diversity” societies becomes more and more divided into enclosed groups guided by their supposedly “pure”, non-hybrid identities. Can we find a middle ground in those debates, allowing for complexity of understanding but also acknowledging that many people have a long history of oppression that came into existence only because of their origin?

SADDIE CHOUA’s new work delves deep into this question. Assembling films, photographs, letters and documents, she constructs a Marxist conversation of Egyptian writer Nawal El Saadawi and Black Panther Party member Assata Shakur in the greyzone between fiction and reality.

Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation Alt text