Listening Session and Discussion

• Tue 09 07 2019 •
MEMORY LAB #5 Listening as Antiracist Practice – The Acoustic Memory of Migration


The gaps in historiography and the hegemonic inscriptions in our (Western, mostly white) discourse of remembrance do not only mean that the minorized groups get little chance to speak – but also that, when they speak, they are not heard. From this perspective, balancing out history is less about speaking than about listening, about dismantling the silencing strategies created by those who institutionally regulate the apparatuses of knowledge. But how can we organize listening? How can listening become a political practice that transcends the ambivalence of “giving a voice”? What do alternative acoustic archives sound like in the migration society? How can they open up narrative echo chambers in the oral history tradition, going against the grain of the official master narrative preserved in the state archives? And how do these migrant echo spaces relate to the left (and also migrant) struggles of the 1970s and 1980s – a time in which the multicultural society was the future inherent in the present?

Start: 19:00
Location: Old Pawnshop, Kartäuserwall 20, 50678 Cologne
In german language
Free admission

The Memory Lab is funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb.

A series of events of the Akademie der Künste der Welt in cooperation with DOMiD – Documentation Centre and Museum of Migration in Germany.