• Thu 21 04 2016 / 7 pm •
We Have Always Been Here! African Life in Germany between Resistance and Adaptation
Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst
“Africans don’t belong here.” That, at least, is the tenor of the debate in the press and in public when the current “refugee situation” is under discussion. In fact, there is a long history of German-African encounters. People of African origin have lived here for centuries. Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst’s lecture provides an overview of this compelling history. Beginning with African intellectuals of the 18th century, it tells of Afro-German anti-colonial resistance in the 1920s and the forgotten African victims of National Socialism, as well as the reality as lived by Afro-Germans in the Federal Republic of Germany, drawing connections to the Rhineland and its current political reality.
Venue: ACADEMYSPACE, Herwarthstraße 3, 50672 Cologne
Free admission